Where Fearless Quilters gather for creative FUN & community!

Quilting/Machine Embroidery is your hobby - It should be FUN!

Engage with others in an energy packed community of friendly and supportive like minded quilters and machine embroiderers thru posts and sharing in a private online community space.

This is for you if you are looking for...

  • Community - Play with your sewing friends in one easy, organized place online from anywhere
  • Inspiration - See what we and other members are working on and "Sew and Tell" of finished works.
  • Knowledge - Our posts and resource center are free and full of great information
  • Videos, tips, and tutorials - See us actually sewing and making the projects - pause & replay anytime or download a tip resource.
  • Community Support - Learn and be supported by our community members thru sharing and connecting.
  • Flexibility - Watch us on any device anywhere - bring us right into your sewing room
  • Privacy - This is a private network.  What you post is only seen by Studio Y members
  • Support and the Sewing Basket Team - Connect with us thru the network to answer questions- We and other members will answer your questions and ask questions of our own that you might answer


The Sewing Basket provides a private community environment for sharing and connecting along with resources with NO subscription or membership fee. 

Free membership includes:

  • Post, Connect and Share: A space for all members to engage, support and connect on all topics of quilting and a quilters life.
  • SEW and TELL: A space for posting your creations in progress or completed and to be inspired by what others share.
  • What's New at the Sewing Basket: A space where you can be first to find out about new fabrics, tools, inperson and online classes and events, and more available thru the Sewing Basket shop or webstore.
  • Full resource library of over 200 video tips and tutorials and tip sheets.
  • Free Pattern Library

...and when you need that added inspiration or technique introduction to advance your quilting and machine embroidery creations...

Become a Sewing 


Fearless Quilter!~

Fearless Quilters Know:

  • You have to ride a trike before you ride a bike

  • Fear stops growth

  • The joy is in the journey 

  • Learning keeps us young

  • You have to try something new to grow

  • The challenge is in trying new things

  • It’s not failure, it’s a new way not to do something!

  • It’s ok to quit, after you’ve tried and practiced.  Sometimes you just don’t like a process. 

What is Fearless Quilters?

  • Technique demos, classes and projects in real time with others via Studio Y and Zoom (recorded for anytime access to participants) 
  • Sew Along Projects
  • Online LIVE Sit and Sews
  • Scheduled Open Sew days at the Sewing Basket in Studio B 

No monthly/annual subscription fees!

Build your own Fearless Quilter Resource Access

Opportunities for adding/joining will happen when they happen based on community interests, quilting trends and new products and tools become available. There will also be some return visits to introduce new quilters to foundations and techniques and as a refresh for those who have been quilting longer.

Pricing will be by the offering based on the amount of resources and time needed for by participants from a $5 demo/lecture, to  a normal class fee for a project class.  

IT IS FLEXIBLE! - Get what you need when you need it and only pay for what you really want!

JOIN Studio Y for first to know when offerings are added. 

Request to JOIN NOW!

Come share and create with us! 

We can not say THANK YOU! enough for your continued support, encouragement, and engagement. We look forward to you connecting with us in Studio Y.